Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Impossible Dream

I don't know why, but this song popped in my head this morning. I love "Man of La Mancha;" it's one of my favorite musicals.

I love the theme of dreaming an impossible dream, reaching for an unreachable star. I think that is how we should all live our lives. Run headlong toward the giant; it may turn out to be a windmill, but you must go nonetheless.

So what are my "impossible dreams"?

I would have to say making a living by writing would be at the top of the list. I've always loved to write, but I never finished my college degree. I'm not sure how well I would enjoy being told what to write, anyway; I much prefer to write what I want.

So many people try to become famous writers, and so few succeed. I don't know exactly what the odds are, but they are probably slim enough to fall into the "impossible dream" category.

So that is one of my impossible dreams, to attain "fame and fortune" by writing. "Fame and fortune" might simply be being recognized in certain circles and earning enough money to write full time; I don't necessarily need to become the next J.K Rowling to feel I have attained fame and fortune. After all, fame and fortune are relative terms, are they not?

I suppose another impossible dream would be to find love one day. I know, I shouldn't look at finding love as impossible, but I have a very low tolerance for BS. Most of the time I would much prefer being single over putting up with somebody else's crap. I guess the key is finding somebody whose crap I can tolerate. I also have other standards in this category, so my pickiness (not for looks but personality) narrow the pool even further.

Let's see, any more impossible dreams?

I guess getting control over my weight. Less impossible than my first two impossible dreams, but daunting at best. I'm lazy and I love to eat; it is a constant battle to fight these demons.

Anyway, those are the impossible dreams I can think of for right now.

What is your impossible dream? Feel free to comment here or the Facebook page; I would love to hear about everybody's different dreams!

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