Monday, September 3, 2012

Evil Website!

Luckily it occurred to me not to use the name of the actual website I'm about to talk about. Sometimes I don't have a lot of common sense, and that could have gotten me in trouble here.

Anyway, the last week and a half or so, I've been TOTALLY addicted to this question and answer site. There are lots of different topics you can ask or answer questions about, but I like to answer questions in the dog category.

Now, I originally started doing this as a way to promote this blog. Answer a question about dogs and sign it with my name and website. The problem is, that's actually really frowned upon. I was doing that to every answer, but now that I found out I shouldn't be doing that, I usually only add it to the really relevant questions, particularly ones about dog grooming.

So if I'm not promoting my blog, what is the point of me even being on there? Everything I do (well, maybe not everything, but a lot of things) should be working on, writing for, or promoting my blog. Otherwise I should be doing other writing. My eventual goal is to be able to make enough money with my writing that I can stop grooming. So I'm really irritated with myself for spending so much time on that site.

That's why my blog posts have been so infrequent lately. I've been spending hours upon hours on this evil website.

Darn addictive personality. (If you don't already know about my gambling problem, read this.)

I'm trying to figure out what is so darn addictive about that website. Do I get a sense of empowerment or something when I see people who know less about dogs than I do? Am I hoping to learn more about how to be a better parent to Hailey and Dillin?

I think the problem is really those stupid emails.

Every person who asks a question gets to pick what they think is the best answer. And if your answer is the best answer, you get an email that's like, "Time to celebrate! Your answer is best and you rule! Here's 10 extra points!" I'm paraphrasing, of course, but man does that feel good. Knowing that I was actually able to help somebody and give them good advice. It's the equivalent of hitting a jackpot on a slot machine.

SO I really need to stop visiting that website. I can't avoid the internet or my computer entirely, especially if I intend to maintain this blog, which I do.

I've closed out that tab (again). And hopefully I won't get any more of those emails...they're as bad as the mail I would get from the casinos.


Oh, the other reason the website is evil?

Some of the people on there are really atrociously mean and evil. I try really hard to be polite (although sometimes it gets hard after the 10th "My dog is really sick, what should I do?" Go to the vet, idiot!), but some of the people on there answering questions are downright vicious. I mean really, even if you think these people are idiots, you can try to be nice about it.

So now you know what I've been up to lately.

More dog blogs soon, I promise! And I'm starting at the new groom shop Wednesday, so I'm sure I'll have LOTS to say about that.

Anyway, thanks again for reading and. as always, feel free to comment.


  1. You're very funny, I enjoy reading you blog and hope to see more:)

    1. Thank you very much Vanessa! I have no plans of stopping any time soon. :-)
