Friday, September 28, 2012

Kerry Blue Terrier and Other Pics

I don't know how I forgot to post pictures of the Kerry Blue Terrier I groomed a couple of weeks ago. They're pretty rare around here - I've only groomed one or two besides this one and seen two or three in all my years of grooming. Unfortunately, these people didn't want me to cut ANY of her hair - not even to blend the weird bump on the back of her head where her short head met her long body. You can see that in this first picture. It made her look a little monkish, honestly, with a "bald" spot on top of her head going into a bushy fall over her eyes and a bushy body on her neck.

They had been unhappy with her previous groom elsewhere, and I think this bath was sort of a trial for them to decide if they liked me well enough to let me do a haircut next time. I'm not sure whether the guy booked another appointment when he picked her up, so I guess I'll let you know if or when I get to do a haircut on the beautiful dog.

I did this Golden on Wednesday. He hadn't been groomed in six months. You can see how much hair came out of him with the velocity dryer - and that isn't even all of it! This is one of those dogs where she claimed to brush him regularly, but the evidence suggests otherwise. In her favor, the dog didn't have very many mats, so who knows, maybe she did brush him a little.

This next dog was a 13-year-old Wheaten, a new client. I wish I had taken a picture of him before the bath. The owner thought he was matted, but he was just extremely curly (and dirty). This is him after the bath and blow dry but before the haircut.

Here he is after the haircut. I think he was tired; he refused to pick up his head. She wanted a round head but with the shaved ears you typically see on the Wheaten-style head. To me, it looks really bizarre when you cross these two styles. She seemed thrilled when she picked him up, though, and that's what matter.

This last picture I call "I suck at mohawks." It took me, another person, and A LOT of product to get his mohawk to even look this good, and it's still not that great. Granted, Yorkies don't exactly have ideal hair for mohawks, but still. At least he was pretty patient for the whole ordeal.

We had some pretty bad thunderstorms the other night, and Dillin got scared and hid under the desk by my feet. I'm not sure whether Hailey was also scared or if she was trying to comfort Dillin. It looks like they're holding hands, how sweet!

As always, thanks for reading!


  1. Do you have the owners permission to post photos of their dog? I mean, they did not even let you cut the dog's hair and here you are posting pictures. Seems wrong

    1. I've been debating this point ever since I first started this blog. I know with people you need to have their permission before publishing any photos of them. There don't seem to be any laws regarding pet photos. I don't mention any names, I'm taking great care to maintain a sense of anonymity, and I generally try not to say anything terribly negative about the dogs or the owners. It's a fine line I suppose. If any owners of these dogs found these pictures and complained, I would take them down IMMEDIATELY. As it stands, I am trying to find a good balance between sharing photos and not slandering the owners.

      I do appreciate your opinion, as this is an issue I do wonder about. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      The Writing Groomer
